Thursday, July 29, 2010

Willie has twins...

Twin parasites that is! Willie has been under the weather since our return from Kitui. He and Garth checked out the medical system over here (not what you want to have to do) and both got tested for bugs. While Garth was mostly clean, Willie had two living in his system.

The parasites are more than likely from Kitui where he drank some water that was purified, but still had some bugs that did not do well with his system. Willie has been a trooper during this time and it has not been easy.

He has some medication that will remove the critters from his body and his spirits increased immensely upon know that it was not malaria, but some relative simple parasites. Pray for a quick recovery for young Willie. He is a great member of our team!

Keeping an eye on the wilds of Kenya

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