Thursday, July 29, 2010

Transitions…Status Update

We have completed our time in Kitui as well as a rest prior to heading back to the hustle and bustle of Nairobi. The plan to have this rest period between the two main sections of the trip has been fortuitous for many reasons. Not only have we been able to rest (much needed), debrief about our week in the bush, recover from some minor sickness, but we have been able to enjoy some of the wilds of Africa.

Breakfast prepared by our wonderful Ladies!

We spent a couple days in a house at Tsavo West, the house of the former warden of the park (also the main character in the movie The Ghost and the Darkness). Dan toured us around today and we saw a little wildlife and enjoyed being visited at our waterhole by a number of species.

Some lions wondering the wilderness - don't leave the vehicle!

Impalas at our watering hole

We crossed paths with many of these

Everyone line up now...

Internet connection and power issues are behind us so if we have time we’ll be able to post more here. We appreciate everyone that is following our trip and remembering us in their prayers. They have continued to encourage and lift our spirits. God has blessed us in ways we would have never expected. Thank you!

A beautiful land...with dust!

Enjoying some peace and rest - Linda & Sydney

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