Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Legend of Casady…

Gary on the 'Rock' overlooking Kitui District

Before we get too far away from Kitui we wanted everyone to know what we learned of the Casady’s during our time there. I think it’s fair to say that we were all amazed at the reception that we received wherever we went. It was like Gary and Linda were rock stars of sorts in that area!

Team Casady!

It was clear as we spent a week in the area what impact the Casady’s had during their eight years here. Probable 80% of the pastors we met along our journey were at one point trained by Gary or Linda or both. They are definitely loved in this area and have done great works for the Kingdom which has provided lasting results.

"Casady' leading the way

When we met new people they refer to Gary as ‘Casady’. We heard many stories from these people about how they helped the area at a time when it was really needed and the great results from this effort was everywhere as we traveled.

We at Gateway should be extremely proud of their work over here in Kenya. They have definitely provided ‘passport’ for us as we spent our time in the region. We now know that the legend is true!


  1. Amen to that!! we have experienced the "Cassady touch" ourselves! They are a blessing indeed...

    Enjoy the rest of your trip you all, it's been fun following you on the blog, we love you! Marta & Wayne

  2. We are so blessed to have Gary and Linda in our midst. It is an honor indeed...
    We are looking forward to your return and hearing all about the trip :-)
