Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Kitui and a Connection...Finally.

Greetings from Kitui and we are sorry for the lack of post in the past days.  Connectivity and power are much more difficult in this area of Africa as you can imagine.

We have little time as our days are packed with travel and visits on behalf of the GMO (the ministry here).  Words can hardly convey what we have all experienced here.  While the land is so very different and beautiful in so many ways, the people here are truly people of God.  Our hosts are giving so much to us it is really unvelievable.  In many cases they have so little, but like the small homeless child in Nairobi, they give all to us.  Their love is astounding!  We only hope we can bless them as they have all blessed us.

Here are some pictures that should speak works on our behalf...

Our transport for our time in Kenya...on our way to Kitui with all luggage.

Kitui upon arrival...a beautiful and busy town...

Our greeting by the GMO when we arrived.  Beautiful people.

Leader Gary looking over the Kitui area.

The land of Kitui

Children supported by the GMO at one of the schools.

Beautiful children at the school...

A single landy with two beautiful girls supported by GMO

These children sang a most beautiful song for us.  We were truly bless by them!