Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Could Today Be Better Than Yesterday?

It's hard to believe that we could find more job and be blessed anymore than our days yesterday with the visits to the schools, the single woman and her girls, the children singing, etc.  But it is possible.  Thus far, Kenya and it's people bless us more with each day we are here

Today our first stop was the African Inland Church (AIC) Kitui Baby Home. The home takes in children usually under the age of 5 including newborns and cares for them. Every single child has been abandoned or their mothers have died, except for one who had a handicapped mother. Most of the children come to the home when they are very little and usually stay till they are 5.

Beautiful Kitui Orphans

The ladies who run the facility try to contact the relatives of the children to have them take care of the child. However, most of the relatives are resistant and do not want the child. Often this is due to issues of poverty and the lack of resources to take in more children.

Impossible to resist a look like this

The children then go on to another home for children of higher age if no one will take them. These children are beautiful and fun of joy and love. You can see in their faces just how happy they are to have someone hold them. Many of the children were brought in as small babies that were left on the street.

Willie and a new friend

Sharon found a group of triplet boys who were all together in the home. The ladies are having a hard time supporting the children because their main contributor is now giving less. Please pray for this organization as God is truly in the hearts of the ladies running it.

Three brothers.

We’ve all heard of orphanages in one contest or another, but to actually be at one, holding infants as young and a few weeks, or perhaps tossing the young children into the air giving the few seconds of attention they may receive in the day, the week, or perhaps the month, is amazing. Words cannot express the heartache that one feels for these youngsters, but also the pure joy and pleasure of being able to do something so simple and have returned to you a smile that embodies God’s pure love is worth everything. It was a special visit that I doubt that any of us will ever forget!

New Friends Abound

Presenting the Baby Home with a gift from the women of Gateway

Saying goodbye was difficult...they have touched our hearts


  1. I read through your blog today. Really interesting to see what you're seeing and brings back lots of memories for me. Thanks for your work.


  2. Wow, so powerful and heartwarming to see what you are doing and giving to these children...such an amazing experience...thank you for sharing!

  3. Lord I thank You that You have called this team with a holy calling. They have a purpose because You have a plan for their lives. We know that Your plans for us existed before we knew You and You will bring it to pass.
