Friday, July 23, 2010

Our Youth Rock!

The amazing days just keep coming.  God is paving us a way every day as we travel.  Our surreal experience of the day was finding ourselves as the 'Visitors' to an African secondary school in the late afternoon participating in the schools Christian Union Meeting (worship).  The entire school was assembled at the front steps of the school and using their entrance as a stage.

Our arrival at the school

Us 'old' people were merely arriving to gather our youths that had been spending time at the school.  One of the host teachers, David, insisted that we all go to the front and participate in the service.  We were rather enjoying watching our youth from afar, but that was not to be.  David explaied that the students were 'hurting their necks' turning around to watch us.

A beautiful setting in the hills of Kitui

We continued to watch their program which was filled with touching song and exhortation.  Each of us introduced ourselves to the assembly talking a little about why were were there and thanking them for their hospitality.  They laughed often at the way we talked and the stories we told.

Garth works the crowd...

After introductions Marie was asked to read some scripture and talk to the studends for a few minutes.  She did a wonderful job and shared Jeremiah 29:11 and talked about she applied it in her life.  Then it was time for the our 'Youth Group' to bring a little American worship to the crowd.  Willie was a pro and Marie and Syd were backing the show.  They were awesome!  We were so proud.

What a setting to be worshipping our Lord.

Scott was asked to close the time in prayer on a moments notice, but God carried him through.  It was another magical time and such beautiful youth to spend some time with.  It's great that even in the public schools God is not only acknowledged, but is the center of the school and what the youth look towards; a little different that our American system.

Sister Marie and Syd working with Willie

We bring gifts for all of the schools we visit

Great times are had at every visit we have in the schools.  We are so blessed by them


  1. I felt like their music was coming over the ocean! Were their faces "lit" when they sang?
    What a blessing they are to you and you to them!
    I pray that God will keep you all well, safe and in great anticipation for the next day! Love all the pic's! What precious people! Give our love to all of them from all of us! Phyllis Farner

  2. Beautiful pictures..... Keep it up, stay healthy. Let God continue to use you mightily!!! Praying for you. Glenn Miller and Family.

  3. How completely and totally awesome this is - thank you for sharing this with us all! :-)

  4. Thank you all for your great comments. They are very encouraging to us all and we have loved communicating with you this way. Phyllis to answer your question, their faces were glowing and the joy of the Lord was in their smiles.
    -Gateway team
