Tuesday, July 13, 2010

We're Off!

Team Kenya 2010 is underway and with no hitches so far.  We had an awesome and uplifting prayer session in the church parking lot with the team and many prayer partners.  We were inspired and lifed up as a result.  God is truly with us.  Here's the initial team picture...

We'll this is the first post from the trip and as with each one, it could be the last depending on if our technology works as we move forward through the trip.

We were also blessed by our driver Phil Foote.  Thanks Phil...much appreciated!!  Also thanks to all who have supported us and lifed us up.  I can assure that your wfforts are well received and appreciated.

We'll this is the first post from the trip and as with each one, it could be the last depending on if our technology works as we move forward through the trip.

We are at the gate with the whole team, we'll grab a bite to eat and will begin boarding in less than an hour.  To our families we say goodbye and we will miss you all.  We hope to come back with immense joy and stories of how God used us in a special way for three weeks in July 2010.  God Bless.

1 comment:

  1. Hi to all,

    It was a great send off yesterday and so neat to see you all so excited with much anticipation! You have all grown so close through your meeting together, sharing, praying, and planning. Thank you so much Gary and Linda for all you have put into this and for your leadership.

    A cool prayer time at the church before you left. Did anyone note the strong wind swirling in the trees?....had to be the Holy Spirit.... and we also wont forget the "aroma" and all that goes with that! =)

    Awoke last night at 1:30am our time and prayed for you all..just wondered when you might have been touching down in Amsterdam. So excited to hear your thoughts as you step out of the plane in Kenya...

    Love to you all...especially the hot one in the glasses!...you guys figure it out. =) Take care of my girls! God Bless you richly you Wild Goose Chasers.

    Eph 3:20
