Friday, July 16, 2010

Kenya, Meet Gateway! Hitch #2 Shows Up.

As you probably already know, we finally made it to Nairobi. We started our journey at 1:30PM on July 13th and finally arrived at 5:30AM on July 15th. It was a long haul, but one that we will treasure and found enjoyable.

Our base of operations in Nairobi - Presbyterian Guest House

Now that we were on the ground, all we needed to do was to collect our baggage and see if we could find Dan, our guide and driver. The luggage system is a little less advanced that many of those in the US. Long story (a few hours worth), short, our luggage never arrived. By the time we left the airport we were missing 7 pieces. Hardest hit were Willie and Sharon who both had little more than the clothes on their back! They were both troopers and carried on.

With all of the delays, visit to Ghana, and the extra air miles, we were only 10 hours late. Dan (our guide) was actually there and unfortunately had to wait until we sorted out the baggage issue. We went to the guest house we were staying to freshen up, then hit the road for our planned itinerary. While we were all exhausted, we knew it was best to carry on and get to bed early to help with the time change.

Poor Marie finally gave in a caught a nap!

We headed out through the streets of Nairobi and saw a glimpse of what we would get to know in the coming weeks. It was a busy and traffic snarled city. We were on our way to connect with some couples from Gary and Linda’s missionary team from when they were here before. We had no idea what to expect; it was amazing.

Two lane road turns to three when cars move to the
sidewalks during rush hours!  Watch out pedestrians.

Next…An Oasis!


  1. Did Reebs ever wake up? Give her a hug from her mommy please! Thank you for your updates! Many ask me about you Kenyan travelers throughout the day. Lifting you all up in prayer! Love from Claire =)

  2. I love your updates. Thank you so much, and let us know how the luggage situation turns out...

  3. Hello to Garth and Marie i.e. "Reebs." We are enjoying your blog and remembering our time with
    you in Budapest. Praying for you and all that you
    will learn and grow thereby. Blessings, The Mitchell family
