Thursday, July 15, 2010

Hitch #1 – ‘Toilet Situation’

First let me say we arrived finally, but not on the planned path or the date/time. It was however and adventure I think enjoyed by all of the team.

Miller's Saying Goodbye at PDX

So back to the beginning and the ‘Toilet Situation.’ It was actually not a big deal, but it did cause a total revamping of our travel plans. Our first plan had a malfunction in the electronics of the waste systems. As in many cases, after we all boarded the plane, they found there was a problem, so there we sat…for 2 ½ hours!

Gary w/ Mt. Rainer in Window
Because of the initial delay we missed our connection in Amsterdam and our perfect travel plans went to uncertain. We initially thought we would overnight in Amsterdam, but ended up getting a flight out through Ghana and the city of Accra. It took a long time to get everything situation for the next leg of the travel, so by the time that was done, we had little time to catch the flight.

Relaxing in Amsterdam

Next…Luxury awaits!

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