Thursday, July 15, 2010

A Quick Trip to Ghana!

Our connection in Ghana was reasonable, but somewhat tight given the unknowns that awaited us. We were a little late leaving Amsterdam and likewise a little late arriving in Ghana. Accra is no small town, but the airport is a little more primitive than those we’d passed through thus far. Additionally none of our group had ever been there before. We exited the plane onto the runway, loaded onto a bus and drove about 100 yards to the terminal (why the bus??).

After entering the terminal the process was a little confusing as there was no was to get to the departure gates without going through customs, but we were not really entering the country, so what to do. God provided a lovely woman for us named Eunice. Eunice walked us past customs (as the agents were baffled as to why we didn’t need to check through them), snaked through halls, stairs, waiting areas, outside to the streets of the airport area, through an alley and bad into the ticketing area where we were hoping our piece of paper would be enough to get us boarding passes for the next flight.
Eunice took us to her boyfriend (I think?) and he checked our passports and sent us for boarding passes. It’s hard to know how much time we saved with this blessing God provided, but we didn’t have much spare time when we arrived at the gate to board for Kenya. In general the entire team has been relaxed through all the twists and turns we have had in the first days of the trip. We knew we would come across challenges and are all trusting our Lord to pave the way for us…and He does!

We are now on the next plane, back in coach (oh the days of First Class ;-) ) and on our way to Nairobi. We are again trusting God that he will work things out in terms of our connection with Dan (our driver and guide) as we have not been able to communicate with him once since we left. We left a message for Brian (Gary’s son) after we knew we might be delayed suggesting that he might contact Dan to let him know we could be delayed. Delayed indeed…coming on a totally different path on a different day.

Finally Arrived - Willie & Marie Can't Beleive it!

The Lord is still walking before us and preparing the way. We will follow.

Next…We Finally Arrive!


  1. Yeh!!! How do you spell yea! Yah? You know what we mean! We just had a prayer time at Gateway with Betsy, Ben, Debbie and myself and we prayed that we would hear an update! We also covered you in prayer with everything we could think of! Lots of people praying for you and wanting to hear how it's going from home. Love the pics Scott (except the one at the airport!). Keep 'em coming. Miss you and take care of our girls!
    Claire and Aud

  2. I'm praying for you guys and very excited to watch how God uses you. Keep the updates coming!!!


  3. Hey Marie it's your cousin Megan I just wanted to hope your having a good time and to let you know that were praying for you!
