Saturday, July 17, 2010

An Amazing Ministry...(Willie)

Friday we had an unplanned meeting added to our agenda with an Asian brother who worked with Gary and Linda during their stay in Africa years ago. Shafkat’s outreach to the disabled just happened to be a three block walk from the Presbyterian Guest House.

Listening to Sharkat's testimony

When we arrived, they gave us a short tour of the modest facilities in which they worked. Shafkat explained the plight of the disabled in Kenya – Asians and Africans in Nairobi often share beliefs about Karma; those who are born disabled must have done something in their previous life, and to assist those with this condition is to invite the spirits to oppose them.

Sharon talks with some of the students

So it is highly unusual for Shafkat, his wife and the brethren they work with to drive two hours every morning and afternoon picking up and dropping off the people they minister to. They minister to 10-12 individuals, from age 8 all the way into middle age.

Gary asked Shafkat to share his testimony. To make a long story short, God had been chasing this person involved in another religion for years, one day answering his cry for God to reveal Himself. When God revealed Himself, this once self-righteous man was convicted and transformed.
Saying goodbye

I think Shafkat might be the mightiest man of God I’ve ever met. Crippled in a wheelchair, having spent a total of six years in hospital treatments, running a tiny outreach in a back street of Nairobi – this guy has Jesus all over him. He has a vision to move to more expansive facilities someday, to reach more of the outcasts in his community. I don’t know if that will happen. But I do know that this man has been faithful with a little, and someday, in this life or the next, God will be putting him in charge of a lot. What a humbling, encouraging, random experience for us!

Next...Traffic, Market's and Kids.


  1. This is so awesome getting these updates. Thank you so much for sharing this journey with us. Any hope of getting a video clip from someones iPhone?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Videos would be nice, but no iPhones over here with us. We do have some nice HD video, but not likely we'll get that processed until the presentation at home...we'll probably need you help Brian! :-)
