Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday, A Day of Rest...

Not much time, need to get some rest for the trip east tomorrow, but we wanted to let you know what a uplifting experience we had at a local church in Nairobi today.  It was a vibrant and exciting time of worship and a strong message that challenged the congregation.  We were struck by how even though we are a half a world away from Gateway, in a different culture, on a different continent, with a very different people, we are clearly worshiping the same God and are more alike in regards to spiritual things than probably anything else.

Sydney & Marie with their host family (Dan & Beth) ready to head to church

It was a blessing and lifted us all up.  Their church has several sister churches around Kenya, other countries in Africa and some in Europe.  Their goal is to reach out to the world to bring understanding of the Gospel to the world's people.  It was exciting and surprising to see their vision to reach out to the world.

As we said with the first post, this one could be our last as we leave here tomorrow for Kitui and there is no guarantee we will have a connection in the bush.  If not, look for some updates when we return in 9 days.  We'll need your continued prayers as we head to some fairly remote parts of Africa and are looking forward to some significant times of blessings to and from us; this is why we are here!  God Bless.


  1. I really enjoyed the photos and reading the details. I have experienced that feeling of being so surprised by what I saw when we traveled to see Melissa in Namibia. So many people, so much activity, so much opportunity. May the Lord guide every step and give you unique opportunities to see HIS work.

  2. Hi Everyone! We have been traveling with you in mind, spirit and in prayer and we do appreciate you keeping us up so well on your every day! Thanks too for sending the pics! It makes us feel like we are with you! It is exciting how God is leading you through unexpected paths for your excitement, awe and His Glory! God keep you well and bless you are you meet and be with precious African people that He loves so very, very much. Phyllis Farner
