Tuesday, July 6, 2010

The 'Plan'

A few short days till we leave and we are all trying to figure out what we should be taking, gathering various items we think might be useful, and thinking about how we can pack with as little luggage as possible.

We’re also getting slightly apprehensive, wondering can we really do this, and being very thankful that our faithful Father who has called each of us to this trip, will be with us every step of the way. Actually we’ve talked about the interruptive divine appointments we’re likely to encounter along the way, and the adventure of being VERY dependent on God’s enabling power each occasion.

Here’s a rough outline of our itinerary as it stands now:

13-Jul 8:00AM meet at Gateway to load people and bags in various family vehicles, leave Portland 1:30PM

14-Jul Arrive Amsterdam 8:30AM, Depart Amsterdam 10:25AM, Arrive Nairobi 7:25 PM, Dan (Mutisya) will meet us at the airport and take us to Presbyterian Guest House.

15-Jul Sleep, travel to Rift Valley

16-17-Jul Resting, picking up supplies, visiting ministries, visit orphanage called New Life Center http://www.missionofmercy.org/donate/index_917.cfm

18-Jul Nairobi, church maybe with Dan (Mutisya)

19-Jul Travel to Kitui, disperse to accommodations in various homes.

20-Jul Getting acquainted, visit needy children

21-Jul Discussion of care for needy children, visitation to a home, dinner with South Asian friends.

22-Jul Meet with Grace Ministry Outreach (GMO) board members, in the afternoon Willie, Sydney and Marie visit local youth.

23-Jul Meet with national missionaries from remote locations in Kenya. Afternoon, the youth again meet together.

24-Jul Saturday, 24 July – Partner with Kenyan leadership for the Family Focus Conference

25-Jul Attend church with our host families

26-Jul Depart Kitui, travel to Tsavo National Park

27-Jul Tsavo

28-Jul Return to Nairobi, dinner with the Owens, accommodations at Mennonite Guest House

29-Jul With Owens'

30-Jul With Owens'

31-Jul With Owens'

1-Aug Church in Nairobi

2-Aug Depart Nairobi 8:10 AM Arrive Amsterdam 3:55 PM, stay at Shelter Christian Hostel

3-Aug Depart Amsterdam 10:10 AM Arrive Portland 11:40 AM (WARP SPEED FLIGHT!!)

Stay tuned for last minute changes to the schedule by our heavenly Director.


  1. Marta and Wayne von BorstelJuly 14, 2010 at 8:01 AM

    Wonderful Blog!! we'll be following and praying for you daily.

    What a great looking team, stay healthy and strong, we love you!!

    Marta & Wayne

  2. Thanks for this! I know how much time and energy goes into putting it together...it's so appreciated...awesome!
