Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Food, food, food!! (Sydney)

The saying “There are starving children in Africa” was not at all the case for us. Some of us went into the trip thinking eh maybe I’ll lose a couple pounds. I think I gained ten. While in Nairobi we were able to eat whenever we pleased and rarely ate dinner. That was not the case in Kitui.

Typical Gala of Food for Visits - Never a Lack of Food!

You had three sometimes four meals with tea and snacks in between them. The main foods in Kenya are pigeon peas (similar to lima beans and grown on trees), chicken or goat meat in a soupy thing with potatoes, with greens sometimes cabbage or pumpkin leaves, and grain either rice or maize. Occasionally you would get flat bread called Chapati.

Tradational Food for the Kitui Region - Marie Contemplates the New Faire

While not common to us and didn't always settle with our stomach, the food was consistent and healthy and I myself enjoy it. Out of a wonderful sense of hospitality, our hosts in Kitui always wanted us to be well fed...much like a mother tends to push food on her offspring. In the same way it can be a bit painful when you think you can’t eat another bite and realize you still have to eat dinner.

The standard breakfast setup at Scott & Sydney's host home

We truly appreciate the care we were given during our stay in Kitui and recognize the sacrifices made to provide nourishment for us. Instead of welcoming us back as smaller, lighter people, I'm afraid we will have some exercise to do when returning home.

Blessings, Syd


  1. Sydney gaining ten pounds??!!??

    This is truly miraculous ;-)

  2. Wow, 10 pounds, I'd like to see that...it probably won't even show on you, Syd!! Love following the wonderful experiences you are all having! Amazing!!!
