Sunday, August 1, 2010

Giraffes, Zebras, and Lions... (Sydney)

Are just some of the things you will see printed on a small brown bag at Light & Power Centre. Kenya has a large percentage of their population living in slums and areas of overcrowded living. For some young men their future may look bleak. An organization called Light & Power provides a time of transition and a bright light after they finish their secondary school (High School). They teach them skills, the word of God, and employ them at the same time.

This light in one of the many slums in Nairobi

The boys apply for a place at the centre or can be chosen by one of the wonderful leaders of the program Tim, Peter, or Gabriel. They come to the centre five days a week at 7:30 and have a time of devotion. After that they start their work. Gift bag making. It is quite a lengthy process, but the boys estimate they make 500 complete bags in one day. They cut, screen print, and fold all the bags by hand.

Final steps in the bag making process

As the boys told us, a high school education in Kenya gets you little recognition in the job market. You will have very very few job oppurtunities. They are already set back because there is a 60% unemployment rate in Kenya.  Most boys who live in the slums do not have enough funds to attend a college or university. By working at the centre they are able to learn skills and have an income so they can achieve higher education or different careers. The boys have big hopes like accounting and opening up mechanic shops and this two year transition program is helping there dreams become more achieveable. God has truely blessed this ministry. Keep them in your prayers. Especially that they will be able to find markets for their bags so they can expand their program.

The screen printing process puts a design on the bags

This is the management team that we met with and prayed with for the young men and the work they are doing.

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