Sunday, August 1, 2010

Heading Home!

It’s hard to believe that our time in Kenya is at its end. While all of us are ready to return to our families, familiar beds, tap water we can drink and brush our teeth in, our favorite foods, and the environment we call home, but I can tell you there will be sadness as we part ways tomorrow!

Kenya is an amazing place with amazing people. You can’t help but be changed here and come away with a deep love of things Kenyan. We have all been blessed by our time here and hope that we have returned the blessing to our partners over here.

Our last debriefing with Sam and Lynn was a delight and provided lots of encouragement about the success of this trip. To put it bluntly, they said that this was the first time in their 25+ years in Kenya that a group of their supporters from The Dalles has come to Africa specifically to visit them, see what they are doing, and encourage them. It was clear how much they appreciated our visit. We were pleased to be Gateway’s representatives to bring that encouragement to them. God has bless all of us greatly.

As this will be our last post from the continent of Africa I want to thank all of you for your interest in our trip and the prayers and support you have provided. I have enjoyed sharing our stories with you and will put up some additional information when I return to my fast connection and realitively high powered system at home, but for now I must bid adieu as I am exhausted. I really need a vacation!

Passed out and loving it!

God Bless all of you,



  1. Thanks SO much for keeping us up on all your days in Africa!! We loved it! Thanks for taking the time to share your experiences and your thoughts!
    May God give you a wonderful relaxing safe trip home. We are praying for you! See you soon! Phyllis and Ken

  2. I loved seeing all the wonderful photos! Thanks for taking the time to keep us updated. Have a safe trip home and with God's help, you will.
