Saturday, August 7, 2010

God's people working together (Linda)

We’ve been home for 3 days now. The adrenalin energy is wearing off and exhaustion is passing and I’m beginning to catch up with reality again.

I just took time to read back through the blogs and felt again a sense of total wonder at what God has done in this “Faith Adventure”. He has proven Himself so totally awesome over and over again! Not only to us team members, but also to many others watching – and praying.

Garth & Willie showing some kids from the Baby Home in Kitui what they look like on the little screen.

As I read through the comments it struck me what accounts for it being such a great success in so many ways. There were lots of people faithfully praying for God’s leading, provision, protection, fruit and much more. I saw a beautiful display of God’s family working together for His purposes. In fact, in addition to prayer, it occurred to me that there has been an enormous effort from many people during the entire course of this effort.

Our Team enjoying a round of UNO!

There have been people who – planned and phoned and wrote and stuffed envelopes and cooked and cleaned up and contributed money and items and sang songs and did promotional layouts and operated slide shows and traveled and encouraged and hosted and served and drove and serviced vehicles and gave talks and contacted people and took pictures and wrote blogs and prepared wardrobes and gave hugs and lots lots more.

Scott looking over and discussing the proposed site of the new GMO Building

Truly God’s people, working together, empowered by His Spirit, can accomplish great things. To God be the glory!!


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