Sunday, August 1, 2010

Flat Tyre Connection... (Sydney)

(an older post that I forgot to post)

While stopped in a random town after our flat and then the flat of the spare, we waited patiently in the van for new tires. A small boy came walking by on his way home from school and decided to stick around. The boy only spoke Swahili (so I was out of the conversation) but Linda was able to say a couple of things to him.

Since I was starving (my stomach is now twice its regular size from overfeeding) I was snacking on bread and bananas and giving him some as well. I thought of the small toy I had in my purse and thought what a great opportunity! It was called an Evangicube. It was given to me while I was at a church camp at Camp Morrow in sixth grade. I remember begging my counselor to let me have one.

Syd's little friend along the road

It was a cube that had different pictures as you folded it around telling the gospel. The counselor caved in and let me have it as long as I promised to use it or give it to someone. I did. I finally was able to use it. The boys face lit up as I gave him the cube as he exclaimed thank you!  Perhaps it will plant a seed in that young boy.

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