Sunday, June 27, 2010

God Provides Abundantly...

Praise God for His gracious provision!! He has provided amazingly for this trip in so many ways. Over the past few months, each one of the Kenya Team members has had a definite sense of God leading them to the mission to Kenya. Because we have felt confident of this call, we have trusted that God would provide what is needed to make it happen (Phil 1:3-6).

We have been thrilled to watch God at work through His people to make provision for full funding for the trip in the space of just a few short months. This demonstration of His faithfulness has encouraged us to believe that God is going to also come through in making us adequate for the ministry He has prepared for us in Kenya (2 Cor. 3:4-5).

We would appreciate all of your prayers for us in that regard. Pray also for us, that we would be ready to respond in the power of the Spirit to each circumstance and opportunity as they come in the process of the trip (Col. 4:3-6). We are excited that there are so many friends and ‘Family’ members participating in this faith adventure with us. We know that it is going to result in a lot of praise to our great King.

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