Tuesday, April 27, 2010

And a Guitar??

We are also considering taking a guitar along that would probably be left in Kenya for their use. If you have a guitar that you would like to donate to the effort or if you felt lead to purchase one for this purpose, contact Willie Riese to discuss the possibility. Willie is the musical one of the group and is working on this aspect. Willie can be reached at highschool@gatewaypresbyterian.com or through the main phone at the church (541-298-8531).

Monday, April 26, 2010

Looking for a Laptop to...

Do you have a working laptop that would be portable for our trip to Kenya? We are hoping to take a laptop to use while on the trip and leave it behind when we leave. We're looking for something that is useful for basic computing including internet, email, etc. Newer and lighter would be better, but this will be a leave behind for our missionaries in Kenya.

If you have something to offer and feel lead to donate this to the mission, please let us know by contacting the Church or Scott Hege at schege@gmail.com or 541.288.1616.

Thank your for your consideration.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Tickets are Purchased!

God is continuing to bless this effort and has provided the funding for the airline tickets for all of the participants for the 2010 Gateway Mission to Kenya.  We are a Go!  Amen.  He is a powerful God.

Thank you to our Gateway family and all of the people that are supporting this mission.  We look forward to raising the balance of the needed resources as we prepare to move this trip forward.  While many details are yet to be worked out, below is the schedule for our flights:

Leave Portland (PDX) 13 July 1:30P - Arrive Amsterdam (AMS) 14 July 8:30A
Leave AMS 14 July 10:25A -              Arrive Nairobi (NBO) 14 July 7:25P

Leave NBO 2 Aug 8:10A -                 Arrive AMS 2 Aug 3:55P
Leave AMS 3 Aug 10:10A -               Arrive PDX 3 Aug 11:04A

More details as they become available.  Please continue to keep this trip in your prayers that the rest of the details will come together and that we will be tools for accomplishing Gods plans for us in Kenya.

Thank you!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Letter to Our Gateway Family:

Dear Gateway family,

Plans for Gateway's Short-term Mission to Kenya are moving forward rapidly. God has brought together a fantastic team that is quickly drawing together in unity of mind and purpose to serve our great God in ministry to His Kingdom world-wide. Let us tell you about what’s happening.

To read the whole letter by clicking on the graphic below: